Splash Page vs Landing Page – What’s The Difference?!

Splash Page vs Landing Page (And When To Use Them)

What is a Splash Page?

A splash page is an introductory screen on a website, serving as the initial visual or interactive engagement point for visitors before they access the main content. It typically features compelling imagery, a concise message, and often includes elements such as language selection, age verification, or brand introduction. While splash pages can enhance the user experience by making a strong first impression, their use must be balanced with the overall site navigation to avoid creating unnecessary barriers for users. Effectively designed, splash pages can significantly contribute to a website’s branding and visitor engagement strategy.

What is a Landing Page?

A landing page is a standalone web page created specifically for marketing or advertising campaigns. It’s where a visitor “lands” after clicking on a link in an email, ads from Google, Bing, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or similar places on the web. Unlike general websites, landing pages focus on a single objective, known as a call to action (CTA), encouraging visitors to take a specific action such as signing up for a newsletter, registering for a webinar, or making a purchase. Effective landing pages are crucial for converting visitors into leads or customers by providing targeted information and a clear path to conversion without the distractions of a full website navigation.

Splash Pages

When Should You Use Splash Pages

Splash pages are a strategic tool that, when used correctly, can significantly enhance a visitor’s initial interaction with a website. They are most effective in specific scenarios such as age verification, where they act as a gatekeeper for age-restricted content, ensuring that the website complies with legal requirements by verifying the age of its visitors. For global websites, splash pages offer a practical solution for language selection, allowing visitors to choose their preferred language, thereby ensuring a more personalized and accessible user experience right from the start.

Additionally, splash pages serve as an excellent medium for promotional announcements, capturing visitors’ attention and directing it towards special promotions, events, or announcements. They can also be used to make a strong first brand impression through impactful visuals and messaging, setting the tone before a visitor interacts with the site’s full content. In instances where websites require longer loading times due to heavy content, splash pages can provide an engaging or informative buffer, enhancing the user experience by managing wait times effectively.

However, the use of splash pages must be approached with caution to ensure they add value without detracting from the overall website experience. Designing splash pages with clear exit options to seamlessly access the main content is crucial. When implemented thoughtfully, splash pages can be a powerful engagement and conversion tool, aligning with the website’s broader goals and enhancing the visitor’s journey.

Splash Page Example – Madewell (Popup)

A great example of a splash page is this one from Madewell. This splash-page-style popup features a form that prompts new visitors to become a member. If you think back to our definition of splash pages, this one definitely fits the bill. It’s providing more information that a visitor would want to know before visiting the site – in this case, if I become a member now, I can get points on the purchase I’m about to make.

Splash Page

A final requirement of a splash page, which these types of popups follow implicitly, is that they are part of your main website. Whether they are their own page or just a popup, users are usually able to navigate to or trigger them, even if they aren’t coming from a unique link from an email, form, etc.

Landing Pages

When Should You Use Landing Pages

Converting visitors into leads or customers is a critical goal, and landing pages are pivotal in achieving this within digital marketing and advertising campaigns. By creating a focused environment, these pages encourage visitors to engage with specific content—whether it’s product information, offers, or sign-ups—directly linked to the advertisement they clicked on. This targeted approach is highly effective not only in online advertising but also in email marketing campaigns, where the seamless experience of a landing page aligns with the email’s message to boost conversion rates.

For lead capture and nurturing, landing pages offer invaluable resources or opportunities, such as downloadable content, webinar registrations, or free trials, in exchange for visitor information. They also simplify the attendee’s journey from interest to confirmation by streamlining the event registration process with detailed information and a clear path to registration.

Utilizing landing pages is most beneficial when a direct, focused path to conversion is necessary. They minimize distractions and guide visitors toward the desired action, thus enhancing the effectiveness of digital marketing strategies and advancing overall business objectives.

Landing Page Example – Shopify

Shopify has some of the best landing pages after users click on their Google Ads. We found a great landing page just by searching “how to sell books online” on Google. Once you click on Shopify’s ad, you are routed to an amazing landing page that speaks directly to wannabe-book-sellers!

Landing Page

The images are the first thing we noticed – they feature used books! It’s obvious immediately that this page is for me (a bookseller) specifically. Everything from the overhead text (“sell books online”) to the main header (“Start, run, and grow your book business”), to the description (“Get the training… you need to build the book business you’ve always wanted.”) are sure to pull me into my first free trial with Shopify.

Do you see the potential for how much more powerful a targeted landing page can be over a traditional, more generic homepage? The other benefit here is that we can begin to improve our search engine results (SEO) by drilling into multiple user segments/niches.

We can also use landing pages to experiment with segmentation, messaging, A/B testing, and much more as your business grows.


Even though you know the difference between a splash pages and a landing page now, they are not your only tool in improving conversion and engagement on your website. Most websites have a homepage, an about page, product or feature pages, a pricing page, sometimes FAQ pages or help centers, and potentially much more.

Every page has its own purpose and can help with conversion, engagement, user education, support, sales, SEO, or a number of other important aspects. You’ll want to carefully consider what pages to create, what messaging to include for each page, and how to present your business to new visitors.

Splash Page vs Landing Page

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At Icepick, we design and develop custom websites to help your business grow. Every business is unique and needs to find its own space on the web to consistently bring in new customers. As tempting as it might be to do everything yourself (or use a simple website builder), you’ll find it difficult to navigate without a strategic partner. We’ve been through this hundreds of times and can help you avoid typical pitfalls and roadblocks.

You can get in touch with us here to get started today! Let us know what you’re working on and how we can help you succeed!


What is a splash page?

A splash page is a web page or popup that visitors see before accessing the main content of a website. It serves as an introduction or message that visitors should read before reaching the actual homepage.

When should I use splash pages?

Splash pages are best used to address common questions, introduce concepts, or build brand awareness. However, it is advisable to avoid excessive use of splash pages and explore alternative methods to achieve similar outcomes without redirecting visitors away from the homepage.

What should a splash page primarily contain?

A splash page should primarily provide information and limited context to visitors before directing them to the main flow of the site. It should not function as an alternative homepage but rather serve as an additional informational layer, often presented as a popup or modal.

Can you provide an example of a splash page?

An excellent example of a splash page is the one used by Madewell. Their splash-page-style popup features a form that encourages new visitors to become members. This popup provides relevant information to visitors, such as earning points on their purchase by becoming a member.

Are splash pages separate pages or just popups?

Splash pages can be either standalone pages or popups/modal windows, but they are typically part of the main website. Users can access or trigger them, even if they don’t arrive through a unique link from an email or form.

Nick Meagher

Nick Meagher is the founder of Icepick, a leading web design & development company based out of Fort Worth, Texas. With over 10 years of development experience in WordPress and Shopify he is passionate in helping businesses succeed online.

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